The Scariest UK Spiders You’ll See In A Shed

Startling encounters with spiders in sheds are all too common. With eight long, hairy legs and rapid movements, these creatures instil a natural fear. The aftermath of a summer invasion now reveals larger, fully matured ones. As autumn settles, garden sheds become prime habitats for them in search of mates.

Surprisingly, even well-insulated garden buildings aren’t spared. For one, insulation aids in temperature regulation, creating an inviting environment. Brace yourself for a glimpse into the eerie world of the scariest UK spiders that thrive in sheds.

1. False Widow Spider

False widow spider

(Image Credit: Flickr)

Beware the False Widow Spider, not for its size, but its potent venom! Although not the largest shed inhabitant, these spiders are the most venomous. Females, while rarely aggressive, can bite if provoked.


Recognisable by a glossy brown, 10mm bulbous body and a leg span of up to 35mm. Legs are dark orange-brown, distinct from true widow spiders. Observe cream patterning resembling a skull on the body.


Preferring quiet spaces like wood sheds, False Widows are nocturnal. These little creatures conceal themselves behind tools or under windowsills during the day. Opting for warmth, they favour south-facing walls. Spot them hanging upside down from webs at night. Stay cautious as you navigate your shed to avoid unsettling these venomous arachnids.

2. Giant House Spider

Giant house spider

(Image Credit: Flickr)

A formidable shed dweller that emerges during autumn in pursuit of mates. Ranking among the UK’s largest spiders, a giant house spider can reach a startling 12cm in width. Expect a jump-worthy encounter (no, thank you)!


Dark orange, brown, or beige, the Giant House Spider boasts a size of up to 12 cm. Its strong colours help it blend in effortlessly in sheds. With its large size and earthy tones, it creates a bold presence, crafting intricate webs in shed corners.


Renowned for their speed, these spiders construct sizable webs in sheds, seeking tranquillity. While possessing potent venom, they rarely exhibit aggression. Avoid surprising these sizable and swift arachnids during their autumn quest for mates.

3. Cardinal Spider

Cardinal spider

(Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Cardinal spiders are possibly the most intimidating large garden shed residents. Not to mention being the largest in the UK, with a potential width of 14cm! Also called Tegenaria Parientina, they thrive in sheds due to excellent hunting grounds.


Despite their scary appearance, Cardinal spiders are reddish-brown. Younger ones may be paler before their final moult. This distinctive reddish-brown shade, however, remains their key characteristic.


Nocturnal hunters, they occasionally bite, but the bites are generally painless. Don’t let their size fool you! Understanding their appearance and behaviour helps demystify these formidable shed occupants. Stay vigilant, and you might coexist peacefully with these large but harmless arachnids.

4. Lace Webbed Spider

Lace webbed spider

(Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

The lace-webbed spider is a common UK resident that ventures into sheds during autumn in search of mates. Often found on outdoor walls and fencing, they can deliver a painful bite if disturbed.


This venomous spider is known for its brown colour and yellow markings on the abdomen. Their species can reach sizes around 260cm, ranking among the smaller spiders on our list.


Caution is advised, as their bites can be painful, with symptoms easing after 12 hours. These spiders often seek refuge in garden storage sheds during heavy rainfall. Make sure to familiarise yourself with their appearance and behaviour.

5. Zebra Jumping Spider

Zebra jumping spider

(Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Despite its small size (just 8mm), it can deliver a surprising bite and even leap into the air! Autumn is their prime time, often found on wooden shed walls.


Recognisable by distinct black and white markings. Zebra jumping spiders are petite but not to be underestimated. Their small size, measuring just 8mm, belies their remarkable ability to deliver a nip if provoked. 


While their bites can be painful, these spiders are generally not aggressive. Moreover, their venom isn’t medically threatening. They are more inclined to run away from humans than to bite, so there’s no need for excessive concern.


Understanding the habits and characteristics of shed-dwelling spiders empowers us to coexist safely. Shedding light on these 8-legged creatures’ appearances and behaviours helps dispel unnecessary fears. With autumn inviting these arachnids into our spaces, awareness becomes our ally.

When it’s time for a new shed, explore our diverse range of garden sheds for sale. We offer options in various materials and styles, such as metal and plastic sheds. Garden Buildings Direct is your ultimate destination for all your garden building needs.

Up next on your reading list: How to Spider-Proof your Shed – Yes, It Can Be Done!