9 Best Indoor Crops You Can Grow At Home

In the limited outdoor spaces, cultivating a garden might seem challenging. However, the joy of growing fresh crops is within reach. Despite the constraints, anyone can start indoor gardening with the right knowledge. This is where our handy guide comes in. 

Here, we’ll highlight the best crops to grow at home. But there’s more – we’ll equip you with the know-how to cultivate them successfully! Ready to turn your living space into a flourishing oasis?

9 Best Indoor Crops to Grow at Home

1. Radish

Fresh young microgreens radish growing in the ground, close-up.

(Image Credit: Flickr)

Radishes, known for their rapid growth, are vibrant root vegetables. They boast a crisp texture and a delightful peppery taste. These compact gems add a burst of flavour to salads and snacks.

To cultivate thriving radishes indoors, start with well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging. Position them in a spot that receives ample sunlight, ensuring they get around 6 hours of light daily. Maintain consistent moisture, watering when the top inch of soil feels dry. 

Consider using a container with sufficient depth to accommodate the radish roots. When harvesting, wait until the roots reach a plump and mature stage. Typically, around three to four weeks after planting. This ensures you enjoy the optimal crunch and peppery goodness!

2. Herbs

A small indoor herb garden featuring oregano and rosemary on pots placed on the windowsill.

(Image Credit: Flickr)

Herbs elevate your indoor garden with a symphony of flavours and fragrances. Consider a diverse category encompassing basil, mint, rosemary, and more! These aromatic wonders enhance culinary creations and contribute to a sensory-rich environment.

Start with well-drained soil that prevents water stagnation, mimicking their natural habitat. Most herbs thrive in moderate sunlight, so place them near a sunny window or under grow lights. Water when the soil surface feels dry, ensuring a balance to prevent overwatering. To encourage bushier growth, regularly pinch back the herb stems.

Regularly pinching back your herbs helps them grow more leaves. Plus, it keeps your indoor herb garden healthy and productive. Overall, this ensures a constant harvest of fresh, aromatic leaves for your cooking.

3. Potatoes

Genetically engineered potato plants grown indoors.

(Image Credit: Flickr)

Potatoes, a dietary mainstay, present a convenient option for indoor cultivation in containers. They offer a homegrown source of this versatile tuber. From mashed to roasted, the possibilities with your homegrown potatoes are endless.

Optimal growth of indoor potatoes begins with a well-thought-out approach. Select a large container to accommodate the potato plant’s development. Plant sprouted potatoes, ensuring each has sufficient space to grow. Employ well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging, a common issue with tubers. Provide consistent moisture, avoiding extremes. As the potato plant matures, monitor its foliage. Then, prepare for harvest when the plant naturally dies back. This signals that the tubers below the soil have reached maturity. It also means you’re about to have a fresh supply of homegrown potatoes in your kitchen!

4. Leafy greens

A bowl of spinach leaves.

(Image Credit: Freerange Stock)

Spinach, kale, and lettuce stand out as easily cultivated indoor crops. These nutrient-packed leafy greens offer a continuous supply for your culinary pursuits.

Cultivating flourishing indoor leafy greens begins with the right foundation. Sow seeds in a shallow container filled with nutrient-rich soil. Ensure a balanced mix for optimal plant nutrition. Maintain a consistent level of moisture in the soil, preventing it from drying out. 

Adequate light is crucial for robust growth. Place your container in a well-lit area or under grow lights, providing around 12-16 hours of sun daily. When your leafy greens reach maturity, harvest outer leaves regularly. This harvesting method allows for the inner leaves to continue growing. It also ensures a supply of fresh, tender greens for your salads and dishes.

5. Carrots

Close-up of vibrant carrot leaves thriving in an indoor container.

(Image Credit: Flickr)

Carrots are renowned for their sweet and crunchy roots. They add a delightful touch to your indoor garden, providing a burst of flavour and colour.

Successfully cultivating these orange veggies indoors involves thoughtful consideration of their unique needs. Opt for a deep container to accommodate the carrot’s taproot. Make sure to allow it to grow long and straight. Use loose, well-draining soil to prevent soil compaction and facilitate root development. Consistent watering is key; ensure the soil remains evenly moist without waterlogging.

Also, pay attention to the lushness of the foliage. When the carrot tops are vibrant and healthy, it’s a sign that the roots below are thriving. Harvest your carrots when they reach the desired size. Gently pull them from the soil for a crisp and homegrown addition to your culinary creations.

6. Tomatoes

Potted green tomato plant growing in a room on a windowsill.

(Image Credit: Pexels)

Tomatoes, beloved in the kitchen, offer a delightful option for indoor cultivation. Expect a continuous harvest of juicy and flavourful fruits right at your fingertips!

Cultivating tomatoes indoors requires strategic planning for optimal results. Begin by selecting compact varieties specifically designed for containers. You’ll want to make sure they fit well in your indoor space. Adequate sunlight is crucial, too. Place your container near a sunny window. Alternatively, consider supplemental lighting for at least 10-12 hours daily.

As your tomato plant grows, provide sturdy support to prevent sprawling. Regular pruning is a key practice. Remove excess foliage to redirect the plant’s energy toward fruit production. This meticulous care results in a bountiful supply of homegrown tomatoes.

7. Strawberries

Ripening strawberries.

(Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Indoor cultivation opens the door to a year-round supply of these sweet berries. This allows you to savour their delectable flavour anytime – a luxury, indeed!

Growing them indoors successfully requires making smart choices. Opt for hanging baskets or containers, maximising space and ensuring proper aeration. Choose well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging, a common concern for strawberry plants. Adequate sunlight is essential. Position your containers in a sunny spot or use grow lights for at least 6-8 hours daily. Consistent watering is crucial, too, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. 

Encourage fruiting by pinching off runners. This directs the plant’s energy towards producing plump, juicy strawberries. With these steps, your strawberry garden offers a delightful treat throughout the seasons.

8. Peppers

Cayenne purple chilli plant growing indoors.

(Image Credit: Flickr)

Peppers, whether sweet or hot, flourish in indoor settings. These red spices are both vibrant colours and a spicy kick to your culinary creations.

To successfully cultivate peppers indoors it requires attention to specific details. Begin with a container that ensures proper drainage to prevent waterlogging. Good amount of sunlight is crucial for their growth. We recommend placing your container near a sunny window or using grow lights for at least 8 hours daily. 

Consistent moisture is also key. Maintain a balance, ensuring the soil is neither too dry nor overly saturated. As your pepper plant grows, provide support to prevent sprawling. Harvest when the peppers reach the desired size. These thoughtful steps guarantee a rewarding indoor pepper harvest.

9. Mushrooms

Shiitake mushroom growing on a substrate log.

(Image Credit: Flickr)

Cultivating mushrooms indoors introduces a unique and savoury dimension to your meals. Take, for instance, oyster or shiitake; they allow you to enjoy these delectable fungi at home!

Unlocking the world of indoor mushroom cultivation involves creating a specialised environment. Use a mushroom kit to create a dark and humid space. Remember, you need to mimic the conditions conducive to mushroom growth. 

Different mushroom varieties have distinct requirements. Make sure to carefully follow guidelines tailored to your chosen species. Maintain the necessary humidity levels to encourage successful cultivation. As your mushrooms develop, observe the caps, and harvest when they fully open for peak flavour.


Embrace the joy of indoor gardening by cultivating these nine crops at home. These plants offer a delightful and sustainable way to enjoy fresh, homegrown produce. Whether you have a spacious garden or a compact apartment, you can get started anytime. Happy growing!

Explore the option of a garden greenhouse. A versatile solution offering ample sunlight and optimal growing conditions. This garden room structure shields your plants from unpredictable British weather. It makes an excellent addition to your growing area if the space allows. Explore Garden Buildings Direct for a selection that suits your needs!

Up next on your reading list: House Plant Ideas For Year-Round Indoor Growing