How to Clean Your Summer House Ready for Summer

The winter frost fades away, and the days begin to stretch longer. But just like nature undergoes a transformation, so should your garden summer house. Get it ready to welcome you with a clean, fresh ambience. Roll up your sleeves, get to work, and transform it into a sparking hideaway!

Here’s a quick guide to give you some ideas and get you started.

Where to Begin?

Start by assessing its cleaning needs to create an effective routine. A thorough cleaning can ensure it becomes a haven of freshness and tranquillity. Create a checklist of what needs to be done, focusing on areas that need attention to establish a clear plan. A possible approach could be:

1. Clear the clutter

The best way to kickstart your summer house revival is by decluttering. Clear away any accumulated clutter from previous seasons. Sort your belongings and decide what to keep, donate, or discard.

Asking yourself, ‘Does this item enhance my summer experience?’ helps. Keep essentials like garden furniture and seasonal decor. Donate gently used items in good condition to charity shops. Discard broken or unused items to create space for what truly matters in your retreat.

2. Dust and vacuum for a refresh

A ball of accumulated dust, debris, and hair from the floor after vacuuming.

(Image Credit: Flickr)

A thorough dusting and vacuuming session would be a wise next step. Dust all surfaces, from furniture and shelves to windowsills and indoor lighting fixtures. Use microfibre cloths or feather dusters to banish built-up grime and allergens. A vacuum cleaner works great for carpets, cushions, and upholstery.

Pay special attention to often neglected nooks and crannies. You’ll want every corner to receive the attention it deserves for a revitalised ambience! Tips: For stains, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for the best removal method. Follow the care instructions for washing or dry cleaning.

3. Tend to windows, doors, and floors

A person wearing yellow cleaning gloves is using a sponge to clean the window sills and frame

(Image Credit: Medium)

Don’t overlook the windows, doors, and floors—keep them clean both inside and out. Use a streak-free glass cleaner or a vinegar and water solution for the windows. Wipe down glass surfaces, sills, and door frames to get rid of dust and grime.

Take a moment to inspect for any damaged parts. Do repairs or replace them to prevent pests from entering your garden summer house. After cleaning, open your windows to let in the fresh air. Doing so can eliminate stale odours and welcome a pleasant summer breeze.

Next, sweep or vacuum the floors to eliminate dust and debris. Then, depending on the flooring type, mop or scrub with a suitable cleaner. Opt for wood-specific cleaners for hardwood floors and tile cleaners for tiled surfaces. Allow ample time for the floors to air dry thoroughly.

4. Tidy up appliances and storage

Attend to any appliances or storage in your summer house as if you’re cleaning your home. Clean countertops and cabinets, especially if they have been dormant during winter. Remove expired items to declutter storage units. Feel free to redo the decluttering step for this routine.

5. Don’t forget the outdoor areas

Don’t just focus on the interior; clear away leaves and debris from outdoor surfaces, too. Start by clearing away debris from the roof and gutters. Scrub outdoor furniture with soap and water to make them summer-ready. Pay attention to the deck or patio area, sweeping and hosing down to keep it clean and inviting. Check for any signs of damage, such as crack or rot, and repair them right away.

6. Final touches

BillyOh Tessa Tongue and Groove Reverse Apex Summerhouse
BillyOh Tessa Tongue and Groove Reverse Apex Summerhouse

Complete the ambience of your summer house with thoughtful final touches. Enhance the atmosphere by adding fresh flowers and scented candles. Or why not go for potpourri to infuse a delightful aroma? Arrange furniture and decor to create a cosy and inviting garden room ambience. You may check out these summer house furniture ideas for inspiration.


These steps can help you prepare your summer house for the upcoming season. Remember to declutter, deep clean, and add those final touches to create a welcoming space.

Note: This general guide may need adjustments based on your circumstances. Regardless, it’s a great starting point to get you on track for a summer-ready retreat.

If you have any further questions, contact us and don’t hesitate to give us a call at 01909 768840. Explore our fantastic range of the finest summer houses for sale if you’re on the quest for one!

Next on your reading list: Summer House Interior Ideas You Don’t Wanna Miss!