How to Keep Insects Out Your Summerhouse

As the warm summer months approach, your cherished summer house awaits you. But nothing can disrupt this idyllic retreat quite like the presence of insects. These tiny invaders can quickly turn your peaceful haven into a bothersome battleground. So what are you going to do?

This blog will explore tips and tricks to help you enjoy a bug-free sanctuary. Read on as we guide you through the process of safeguarding your beloved summer retreat.

Identifying Common Insects

Several pesky insects have a knack for finding their way into garden summerhouses. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common culprits and the problems they can cause.


Mosqitoes(Image Credit: Pixabay)

Mosquitoes are notorious for their itchy bites. Not to mention their ability to ruin outdoor gatherings. These blood-sucking pests breed in stagnant water. They’re most active during dawn and dusk. Even worse, they can transmit diseases such as dengue fever, posing a health risk to humans and pets alike.



(Image Credit: Wallpaper Flare)

Ants are highly organised, operating in colonies and seeking food and water sources. They can infiltrate summerhouses in search of crumbs or sugary substances. Moreover, they form annoying trails along floors and countertops. Some species, like carpenter ants, can even cause structural damage by excavating wood.



(Image Credit: Pixabay)

Flies, particularly houseflies, are unwelcome visitors in any living space. They thrive on decaying organic matter and are attracted to food and waste. Flies can also contaminate surfaces and food with bacteria and pathogens they carry.



(Image Credit: Pixabay)

Many spiders are harmless and even beneficial in controlling other insect populations. But some species can cause distress for those with arachnophobia.

Spiders tend to seek out undisturbed corners, closets, and dark spaces in summerhouses. While their presence may be unsettling, most spiders are not harmful to humans.

Understanding the behaviour of these common insects can help you address them effectively. You can deter their entry into your summerhouses and maintain a bug-free environment.

Maintaining a Clean and Tidy Environment

BillyOh Renna Tongue and Groove Corner Summerhouse
BillyOh Renna Tongue and Groove Corner Summerhouse

When it comes to keeping insects out of your summerhouse, cleanliness is key. Insects are attracted to food sources, damp areas, and cluttered spaces. By maintaining a clean environment, you can reduce the chances of an infestation. Here are some practical tips to incorporate into your regular cleaning routine:

1. Sweep and vacuum regularly

Make it a habit to sweep or vacuum the floors, especially in areas prone to crumbs or food debris. Pay close attention to areas where spills and crumbs are more likely to occur. This could be the mini kitchen or living room.

2. Wipe down surfaces

Regularly wipe down surfaces, e.g. tables, to remove any residue that may attract insects. Use a mild, natural cleaning solution or vinegar and water mixture.

3. Clean appliances

Ensure that your appliances are kept clean and free of food remnants. For instance, you keep a mini air fryer in the kitchen. Or you have a mini countertop for preparing food and drinks. Clean spills immediately to avoid attracting ants and flies.

4. Empty and clean trash bins

Regularly empty and clean your trash bins to prevent odours and food residue. Keep the lids tightly closed, and consider using liners or bags to further seal in the waste.

5. Store food properly

If you keep pantry items in your summerhouse, pay special attention to unwanted pests. Keep all food stored in tightly sealed containers to prevent access to ants, flies, and so on.

6. Declutter and organise

Remove clutter from your summerhouse, both indoors and outdoors. Otherwise, it will provide hiding spots and breeding grounds for insects. Keep storage areas tidy and eliminate unnecessary items that may attract pests.

7. Use natural cleaning products and insect repellents

Consider using natural cleaning products and insect repellents to discourage insect infestation. Essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, or lemon are known to repel insects. They can also be used in cleaning solutions or as natural sprays around entry points.

Remember, prevention is always better than dealing with an infestation. A clean and tidy summerhouse is a step towards enjoying a bug-free retreat!

Sealing Entry Points

BillyOh Bella Tongue and Groove Pent Summerhouse
BillyOh Bella Tongue and Groove Pent Summerhouse

To effectively keep insects out, identify and seal potential entry points. Insects can squeeze through even the tiniest gaps. A thorough inspection is necessary.

Windows and doors

Check windows and doors for gaps, cracks, or damaged weatherstripping. Install or replace weatherstripping to create a tight seal. Use door sweeps to close the gap at the bottom of the doors. Install screens on windows and doors to allow fresh air while keeping insects out.

Cracks and crevices

Inspect the walls, floors, and ceilings for any cracks or crevices. Use caulk or putty to seal these openings. Also, pay attention to areas near pipes, electrical outlets, and cables. Fill gaps around baseboards and trim as well.

Vents and chimneys

Cover vents and openings with mesh screens to prevent insects from entering. Ensure that screens are in good condition and free of holes. Install chimney caps to keep out flying insects and small animals.

Exterior maintenance

Trim vegetation and bushes away from the exterior of your summerhouse. Overhanging branches and foliage can provide a bridge for insects to enter. Repair any damaged siding, loose shingles, or gaps that could serve as entry points.

Pet doors

If you have pet doors installed, make sure they are properly fitted and sealed. Use pet doors with a self-closing mechanism to prevent insects from entering.

Regular inspection and maintenance

Regularly inspect your summerhouse for any new cracks, gaps, or damaged seals. Address these issues by sealing or repairing them to prevent future insect infiltration. Conduct inspections at least once a year, preferably before the start of summer.

Professional Pest Control Options

Despite preventive measures, some situations may require professional intervention. When facing such challenges, consider the following:

  1. Seek assistance from pest control services that specialise in summerhouse infestations. These professionals have the expertise to identify the source of the problem. Plus, to implement targeted solutions.
  2. Choose pest control services that prioritise environmentally friendly methods. Look for providers that use non-toxic treatments and eco-friendly products. Also, consider integrated pest management techniques to minimise harm to the environment.

These should be a last resort when DIY methods prove insufficient.


You now have the knowledge to keep insects out of summerhouses and create a pest-free haven. Embrace these practices, and may it become free from buzzing, crawling, and flying intruders. Here’s to a blissful and bug-free summer! Oh – and if you don’t have a summerhouse of your own yet, click the button below to start exploring!

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