Creating a Hydroponic Greenhouse Set-Up

Welcome to our guide on creating your own hydroponic greenhouse set-up. Basically, you grow plants in water-based, nutrient-rich solutions, bypassing the need for soil. In this blog, we delve into how this method of gardening works. We’ll cover everything from the basics to the step-by-step process of setting up one. Read on!

Understanding Hydroponics

A display of how vegetables are grown by hydroponics is at the HortPark.

(Image Credit: Flickr)

Hydroponic systems represent a revolutionary approach to gardening. It is where plants are grown in a water-based, nutrient-rich solution without the need for soil. This method leverages a controlled environment. It involves delivering water and nutrients to the plant roots for faster growth and higher yields.

There are various types of hydroponic systems, each with unique characteristics:

  1. The Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) is a continuous flow of nutrient solution over the roots. Ideal for leafy greens.
  2. Deep Water Culture (DWC) submerges the roots in a nutrient solution. Perfect for plants requiring more water.
  3. The Ebb and Flow system periodically floods and drains the root zone. It offers greater control over nutrient and oxygen delivery.

Hydroponic gardening boasts advantages, including but not limited to:

  • reduced water usage
  • no weed problems
  • year-round growing

However, it also presents challenges. For one, the initial setup cost and the need for constant monitoring and maintenance. Not to mention the reliance on electricity and technical systems. This can be especially daunting for beginners, and that’s where this guide comes in.

Planning Your Hydroponic Greenhouse

Hydroponic vegetables growing in a greenhouse.

(Image Credit: Flickr)

Next, we delve into the initial stages of setting up your hydroponic greenhouse: deciding its size and location. The size of your garden greenhouse should align with your goals and available space. Are you aiming for a small personal setup or a larger commercial option? Either way, space planning is crucial.

Location is equally important. Factors such as climate and sunlight exposure significantly influence your greenhouse’s efficiency. Other considerations include:

  • a spot with adequate sunlight
  • protection from extreme weather
  • easy access to resources (e.g., proximity to water and reliable electricity)

Budget also plays a key role. Knowing your budget helps you make smart choices about the size of your greenhouse. Plus, on the type of technology you can afford.

Lastly, we’ll guide you through the tools and materials needed. Here’s a list of essentials:

  1. Greenhouse structure materials: These include framing, such as metal or PVC). Additionally, transparent covering (glass or plastic) and insulation for climate control.
  2. Hydroponic system components: This depends on your chosen system (e.g., NFT, DWC). But generally, you’ll need reservoirs, pumps, tubing, growing trays, and net pots.
  3. Growing medium: Choose from rock wool, clay pebbles, or coconut coir. Such options are crucial for supporting plant roots.
  4. Nutrient solutions: A balanced mix of essential nutrients for plant growth.
  5. Water filtration system: To ensure clean water for your plants.
  6. Lighting: LED or fluorescent grow lights for adequate plant growth. They especially come in handy in low-light conditions.
  7. Climate control equipment: Consider ventilation fans, heaters, and humidifiers/dehumidifiers. They help maintain optimal growing conditions.
  8. Monitoring tools: pH and EC metres to monitor nutrient solution quality. Meanwhile, thermometers for temperature control.

These tools and materials are fundamental in creating a thriving hydroponic greenhouse environment.

Designing Your Hydroponic System

Plants take up water and nutrients that flow through a PVC pipe in the nutrient film technique (NFT) hydroponics system.

(Image Credit: Flickr)

Building your chosen hydroponic system can be a rewarding experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

1. Select your system

Research and understand different systems like NFT, DWC, and Ebb and Flow. Consider your available space, the types of plants you want to grow, and your level of expertise. NFT is great for leafy greens, DWC for water-loving plants, and Ebb and Flow for a variety of plants.

Top tip: Start with a simpler system if you’re a beginner.

2. Assemble the reservoir

Choose a reservoir that can hold enough nutrient solution for your plants. A general rule is to have at least one gallon per plant. Ensure it’s made from a non-toxic material and is dark-coloured to prevent algae growth. Place it in a location that’s easy to access for cleaning and nutrient replenishment.

3. Install the water pump and tubing

Select a pump with enough power to circulate the nutrient solution effectively. Use durable tubing to connect the pump to your growing trays or channels. Ensure all connections are secure to prevent leaks. Arrange the tubing neatly to avoid kinks that can obstruct the flow.

4. Set up growing trays/channels

Position your trays or channels in a way that maximises your growing space without overcrowding the plants. Use ones for easy modification as plants grow. Ensure that each plant gets equal access to light and nutrients. Staggering plants in a zigzag pattern can be effective.

5. Add growing medium and plants

Fill net pots with a suitable growing medium like rock wool, perlite, or coconut coir. Gently transplant seedlings into the net pots, ensuring the roots are well-supported.

Top tip: Start with seedlings rather than seeds for quicker growth.

6. Install lighting and climate control

Use LED or fluorescent grow lights. Position them close enough to plants for sufficient light but not so close as to cause heat stress. Use timers for lights and automated systems for climate control. This helps in maintaining consistent conditions. Install fans for air circulation. Also, consider a climate control system for temperature and humidity regulation.

7. Test and monitor

Regularly check for leaks or blockages in the system. Use a pH metre to ensure the nutrient solution is at the right acidity level (usually between 5.5 and 6.5). Additionally, an EC metre to check nutrient strength. Adjust lighting and climate as plants grow and seasons change. Keep a log of your observations and adjustments for future reference and learning.

Space utilisation tips:

  • Utilise vertical space with shelving or stacked channels.
  • Arrange plants according to their size and light requirements.
  • Consider foldable or modular components for flexibility and scalability.

Follow these tips for an efficient and productive hydroponic system!

Selecting Plants and Nutrients

Roots of hydroponic vegetables.

(Image Credit: Flickr)

Choosing the right plants for your hydroponic greenhouse is crucial for success. Ideal candidates are those that 1.) thrive in a controlled environment and 2.) with consistent nutrient and water supply. 

Leafy greens like lettuce, spinach, and kale are excellent starters. Thanks to their fast growth and minimal space requirements. Herbs like basil, mint, and cilantro are also great choices. For more advanced gardeners, vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers can be rewarding. However, they require more attention and space. Avoid plants that demand large amounts of soil or have deep root systems, e.g., root vegetables.

Understanding and mixing hydroponic nutrients is another vital aspect. Hydroponic nutrients come in liquid or powder form and need to be mixed with water. They typically contain essential elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for mixing ratios. Adjust based on your plants’ growth stages.

Regularly test the nutrient solution’s pH and electrical conductivity (EC). This is to ensure optimal growing conditions. Remember, each plant has unique nutrient needs, so tailor your solution accordingly.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Maintaining a hydroponic greenhouse requires consistent attention. Daily tasks include:

  • checking the pH and nutrient levels of your solution
  • ensuring the proper functioning of pumps and lights
  • observing plant health

Weekly, clean filters, check for pests or diseases and prune plants as needed. Monthly, thoroughly clean the system, replace nutrient solutions, and inspect all equipment.

Common issues in hydroponic greenhouses include nutrient imbalances. If overlooked, this can lead to poor plant growth or disease. Regularly test and adjust your nutrient solution to avoid this. Algae growth can be combated by keeping the nutrient reservoir covered and light-proof. Pests and diseases require immediate attention. This necessitates the removal of affected plants and treatment of the entire system.

Optimise plant growth and yield by providing adequate light. Moreover, maintain a consistent environment and use quality seeds. Regularly rotate crops and experiment with nutrient solutions for best results.


Hydroponic gardening opens a world of sustainable and efficient farming. The key to a successful greenhouse setup lies in patience and continuous learning. Embrace the challenges and celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Keep experimenting and stay curious!

Discover our diverse selection of greenhouses for sale at Garden Buildings Direct. Choose from our options: wooden, metal, and polycarbonate greenhouses. Find your perfect greenhouse – shop now!

Up next on your reading list: Greenhouse Gardening Beginner Tips