How to Build a Shed Base

Why does the shed base matter, you may wonder? Picture this: you spend countless hours carefully constructing your dream garden shed. Only to find out a few months later that it’s sinking, leaning, or worse, collapsing. All that effort, time, and money invested has gone to waste.

The shed base serves as the foundation upon which your shed stands. It’s the unsung hero that ensures the structure remains standing year-round solid. It provides stability, durability, and longevity, protecting your valuable belongings from the elements.

By taking the time and effort to build a solid base, you’re setting the stage for a robust and reliable shed. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process. Roll up our sleeves, gather your tools, and let’s get started!

Step 1: Preparation

A. Gather tools and materials

Having the right equipment will make the construction process smoother and more efficient. Here’s a list of tools and materials you’ll likely need:


  • Shovel or excavator
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Measuring tape
  • Level
  • Hammer
  • Screwdriver
  • Saw (hand saw or circular saw)
  • Drill
  • Gloves
  • Safety glasses
  • Protective gear (e.g., knee pads)


  • Gravel or crushed stone
  • Concrete mix (if using a concrete base)
  • Timber or paving stones (if using a raised base)
  • Weed barrier or landscaping fabric
  • Anchoring materials (anchor bolts, straps, or other suitable options)
  • Nails, screws, and brackets (depending on the construction method)
  • Optional: paint, stain, or sealer for finishing touches

B. Get necessary permits

Familiarise yourself with local regulations and obtain any required permits or permissions. While regulations may vary depending on location, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Local authorities have specific guidelines on the construction of sheds and their bases. These regulations may dictate factors such as:

  • size limitations
  • setback requirements
  • zoning restrictions

By checking the regulations, you can avoid any potential legal issues down the line. Most importantly, you can ensure your shed base adheres to the necessary standards.

Contact your local planning authorities to inquire about any permits or permissions required. They’ll provide you with the necessary information to ensure you comply with the rules.

Step 2: Building the Shed Base

A. Clear and level the ground

  1. Remove any vegetation or debris from the area where the shed base will be placed using a shovel. This includes grass, rocks, roots, and other obstructions.
  2. Compact the soil by tamping it down with a compacting tool or walking over it.
  3. Check the levelness of the ground using a spirit level or laser level. Adjust the soil as needed to achieve a level surface; remove excess soil or add fill dirt where necessary.
  4. For optimal stability, use a layer of gravel or crushed stone as a base. Spread the gravel evenly over the cleared area and use a rake or shovel to level it.
  5. Compact the gravel by using a plate compactor or by walking over it. This will further ensure a solid and level base for your shed.

B. Create the foundation framework

When it comes to shed base foundations, you have several options to choose from:

  • Concrete slabs: offer a durable and long-lasting foundation for your shed.
  • Timber frames: provide a versatile and relatively simple option for shed bases.
  • Paving stones: offer a visually appealing and straightforward option for shed bases.

Concrete slabs

Concrete slab shed base

(Image Credit: Flickr)

  1. Measure and mark the dimensions of your shed base on the cleared and levelled ground. The slab should be slightly larger than the shed dimensions to allow for overhang.
  2. Excavate the marked area to a depth of around 4-6 inches, depending on your frost line and soil conditions.
  3. Create a wooden formwork around the excavated area using boards. Ensure the formwork is level and properly aligned.
  4. Lay a 4-6 inch layer of compacted gravel or crushed stone inside the formwork. This is for providing additional stability and drainage.
  5. Mix concrete and pour it into the formwork, ensuring it is evenly spread and level.
  6. Use a screed board or float to level the concrete, moving it back and forth in a sawing motion. Smooth the surface with a trowel.
  7. Allow the concrete to cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions. During the curing process, protect the slab from excessive moisture and temperature fluctuations.

Timber frames

Timber frame shed base

(Image Credit: Flickr)

  1. Measure and mark the dimensions of your shed base on the cleared and levelled ground. Add a few extra inches to accommodate the frame.
  2. Cut timber boards to the required lengths for the frame’s perimeter and supports.
  3. Place the timber boards along the marked perimeter. Secure them together at the corners using screws or nails.
  4. Install additional internal support beams by spacing them evenly across the frame. Secure them to the perimeter boards.
  5. Use a level to ensure the timber frame is even and adjust as needed. Add or remove soil underneath the frame to achieve a level surface.
  6. To prevent weed growth and improve drainage, lay a weed barrier within the frame. Do this before filling it with gravel or crushed stone.

Paving stones

  1. Measure and mark the dimensions of your shed base on the cleared and levelled ground.
  2. Excavate the marked area to a depth of approximately 4-6 inches.
  3. Create a compacted gravel base by filling the excavated area with a layer of crushed stone. Use a compactor or walk over it.
  4. Lay a geotextile fabric or landscaping fabric over the compacted gravel. This helps prevent weed growth and promote drainage.
  5. Place the paving stones on top of the fabric, starting from one corner and working your way across. Ensure the stones are level and snugly fit together.
  6. Use a rubber mallet or a block of wood to tap the paving stones gently and ensure they are firmly in place.
  7. Fill the gaps between the paving stones with fine sand or jointing compound and brush off any excess.

Step 3: Maintenance

Concrete shed base type

(Image Credit: Flickr)

To ensure the longevity and stability of the base, regular maintenance is essential. Keep your shed base clean by regularly cleaning. Remove debris, leaves, and dirt that may accumulate on its surface.

Periodically inspect your shed base for any signs of cracks, shifting, or damage. Pay attention to the joints and corners, as these areas are more prone to wear and tear. Address any issues you identify ASAP to prevent further deterioration.

Apply a waterproof sealant or paint to the surface of your shed base. This helps protect the base from moisture penetration. Plus, it minimises the risk of water damage.


The base is a crucial foundation for the success and longevity of your shed. By considering some of the factors above, you can create a solid base that ensures stability. And whatever base type you choose, the instructions will help you build a reliable one. What are you waiting for? Your dream shed awaits!